• All 2022 KCSE candidates eligible to join University in September  have been advised that ,If they don't APPLY  for the government scholarship, bursary and HELB loan before the given deadline, their full fees will become the responsibility of the parent/guardian.

Currently, applicants seeking Helb loans must have 18 years to be eligible, a requirement that has locked out those below the legal age and exposed them to funding hurdles that, in turn disrupt their studies.

A report by Citizen TV on Monday, August 22, 2023, had students and parents worrying over University Fund as applicants lacking ID cards reported missing out on HELB loans. The HELB portal requires applicants to have ids since the cards determine eligibility for the loan.

Up to the time of the report, 60,000 students had already applied for funding.

Early Tuesday morning, in an interview on K24’s NewDawn, MP Mark Mwenje reiterated the report claiming students below 18 years are not in a position to sign a contract with Helb.

“HELB should be available to anybody who is in the University. How do you expect a 16 and 17-year-old, still a minor, to engage in a legally binding contract to get a loan?”

It is a tough nut to crack wince with the new university funding model parents will be forced to dig deep into their pockets if the applications for loans and scholarships don’t go through.

“We should encourage students who have been admitted to apply for both scholarships and HELB so that the funding bodies may undertake this placement and capitate the students accordingly,” advised Wilson Sossion in an interview.

 Therefore all 2022 KCSE candidates eligible to join University in September have been advised that, If they don't APPLY for the government scholarship, bursary and HELB loan before the given deadline, their total fees will become the responsibility of the parent/guardian.

It is simple-make sure you go to http://hef.co.ke and apply before August 27, 2023.