• Congratulations Chef Maliha Mohammed for breaking the Guinness World Record for the longest time spent cooking. She cooked 400 recipes for 75 hours non-stop and on top of it supporting the less fortunate. What a mighty course- Merican Limited.

Mombasa-based chef Maliha Mohammed has set a new world record for a non-stop home cooking marathon with a record of 90 hours and 15 minutes.

She dethrones American chef Rickey Lumpkin who got the title for cooking for 68 hours, 30 minutes and 1 second in 2018.

This is the second record after she broke her record in 2019.

“Congratulations Chef Maliha Mohammed for breaking the Guinness World Record for the longest time spent cooking. She cooked 400 recipes for 75 hours non-stop and, on top of it, supported the less fortunate. What a mighty course!👏👏👏 Thank you for bringing the record home! Merican is proud of you,” Merican Limited, a dealer in cooking appliances, commented on their Instagram page.

While on the wait, Comedian Oga Obinna and Comedian Crazy Kennar were seen in the group of individuals who supported the profound chef who has made Kenya proud by putting the country on the world map.

The chef, who is the Brand Ambassador of Sea Gas Ltd, Culinary Judge, Master in Food Fusion cuisines, cooking instructor and a Guinness_world_record_breaker 2019 and who hails from Mombasa, Kenya is an inspiration to many by taking that bold move to break such a record which can be tiring, imagine cooking for 90hours non-stop? A majority of people would not do it.

It is a good and kind gesture when as a country, we show up for our own to support her noble course.

Instagram went into a buzz early this morning, August 15, 2023, with congratulatory messages all over:

Photo/Courtesy:Instagram, Chefmalihamohammed-Official

“Congratulations 👏👏. Sasa nikulala for a week! It ain't easy having sleepless nights to attain the set goal,” said Sane-ropian, an Instagram fan.

Others were calling on the Guinness world record to recognise her if they haven’t yet.

Photo/Courtesy:Instagram, Chefmalihamohammed-Official

“Sielewi , @guinnessworldrecords wamerecognise hii kitu ama?”