• The content creator has also been accused of revealing her details, including her phone number, to his audience.

On July 27, 2023, Brian Chira, a famous influencer on TikTok, was arrested for allegedly making defamatory accusations against TikTok Queen and radio host Azziad Nasenya.

According to Nasenya’s lawyer Gertrude Kibare, Azziad took legal action because Chira’s defamatory sentiments harmed her brand.

During a live session last week, she alleges Chira made defamatory allegations about Azziad on TikTok. The content creator has also been accused of revealing her details, including her phone number, to his audience.

“Sometime last week, Chira went live on TikTok at night, and the Topic was Azziad. He uttered some words I cannot repeat here, but those words are defamatory, and he did not stop there. He went ahead and gave and gave out her number,” said the lawyer.

The rise of the internet and social media has brought about many benefits, including increased connectivity and access to information.

However, it has also brought about new challenges, such as the ease with which individuals can defame others online.

Defamation is the act of making false statements that harm a person's reputation, and it can be particularly damaging when done online, where information can spread quickly and widely.

There are several reasons why it may be easier for individuals to defame others online during these times of technological advancements:

1. Anonymity

The internet's anonymity can make it easier for people to say things they wouldn't usually speak in person without fear of immediate repercussions.

2. Lack of consequences

People may feel that there are no real consequences to their actions online and that they can get away with defamatory statements without repercussions.

3. Spread of misinformation

With the abundance of information available online, it can be difficult to distinguish between factual and false information, leading to the spread of rumours and misinformation that can damage a person's reputation.

4. Ease of sharing

Social media and other online platforms make it easy to share information quickly and with a large audience, which can lead to the rapid spread of defamatory statements.

5. Emotional reactions

People may be more likely to make defamatory statements online during emotional moments, such as when angry or upset, and may not consider the potential consequences of their actions.

Defamatory words can damage a person's reputation and cause harm, whether online or offline. To avoid defamatory comments online, here are some tips:

1. Stick to the facts

When posting online, stick to the facts and avoid exaggerating or making misleading statements.

2. Be respectful

Use respectful language when engaging with others online, and avoid personal attacks or insults.

3. Verify information

Before posting or sharing information, ensure it is accurate and reliable.

4. Don't share rumours or hearsay

Avoid sharing stories or gossip that can damage a person's reputation.

5. Be aware of the consequences

Remember that online statements can have consequences, including legal action, so think carefully before posting anything.

6. Use constructive criticism

If you have a critique or complaint, use productive language and avoid attacking the person.

7. Get a second opinion

If you are unsure whether a statement could be defamatory, get a second opinion from a trusted friend or professional.

Ultimately, it's essential to be thoughtful and responsible when posting online to avoid causing harm to others and to protect your reputation.