• Several aid emergency helplines were enrolled to facilitate the affected residents' survival, sustainability and allocation. 

Kenya has once again showcased its empathy as individuals turned up to the requiem mass at Maai Mahiu on Thursday, May 9, 2024. This was in honour of the departed souls of the floods that claimed over 60 lives.

In attendance were the Deputy President, H. E. Rigathi Gachagua, several church leaders, and representatives who expressed their condolences to the bereaved families, friends, and the community. Rev. David Karanja of CITAM Ministry, Thika acknowledged the President’s quick response to the disaster on the morning of April 29.

President Ruto deployed the Kenya Defense Forces (KDF) alongside the National Youth Service (NYS) to aid in the search, rescue, and recovery of the flood victims. Other leaders and volunteers also came to the rescue.

“Our government is a government with a heart,” Hon. Martha Wangari, Member of Parliament, Gilgil, verified the idea of Kenya having a caring regime. This was evident as the government had earlier provided a toll-free line for Kenyans in flood-prone areas in case of emergencies.

Citizens across the nation portrayed their earnest concern on social media and in monetary aspects. Several aid emergency helplines were enrolled to facilitate the affected residents' survival, sustainability and allocation. Safaricom also came to the rescue with a sh.10 million donation towards the pursuit.

The deputy President expressed his gratitude and promised to follow up on the repair of the Kijabe-Maai Mahiu road. He also mentioned the allotment of sh300 million directed to building houses for the displaced families and stationing KDF and NYS personnel to restore the damaged bridges.

Following the mental disruption that would likely affect the survivors and the grieving individuals, the church conducted home visitations and psycho-social support. Maai Mahiu MCA, Hon. Eliud Kamau Chege emphasized a clear need to direct a keen eye on the aftermath of the whole ordeal.