• Ganze sub-county is considered one of the poorest communities in Kenya, primarily relying on subsistence farming. Women play a crucial role in the community, planting crops, fetching water, collecting firewood, and raising children.

Ganze is a dynamic electoral constituency with a rich political landscape and a growing population.

The region has four wards, each electing representatives to the Kilifi County assembly.

With its diverse communities, educational institutions, infrastructure developments, and economic challenges, Ganze offers a fascinating glimpse into the complexities of this vibrant constituency.

Ganze constituency, established in 1988, has retained its name and boundaries through subsequent electoral cycles.

The constituency comprises Ganze, Bamba, Jaribuni, and Sokoke wards, each represented by elected county assembly members (MCA).

Notably, the current member of parliament for the Ganze constituency is Hon. Charo Kenneth Kazungu Tungule of the Pamoja African Alliance (PAA) party. According to the

2019 census report by the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS), the constituency has a population of 143,906, with a nearly equal gender distribution.

Education in Ganze has improved over time, with 82 schools in total, consisting of 76 primary and six secondary schools.

Notable secondary schools in the constituency include Jaribuni Secondary, Godoma Secondary, Ganze Secondary School, Mwangea Girls Secondary, and Vitengeni Baptist.

Ganze Secondary School has produced several prominent individuals, including Hon. Aisha Jumwa, a renowned Kenyan politician who has held various leadership positions, including serving as a member of parliament and as the Cabinet Secretary for Public Service, Affirmative Action, and Gender in Kenya.

Transportation has long been challenging in Ganze, particularly during the rainy season when roads become impassable. Ambulances and vehicles transporting sick individuals and expectant mothers to Kilifi Hospital have faced significant delays, sometimes resulting in unfortunate outcomes.

However, there is hope on the horizon as upgrading the Bamba-Ganze-Kilifi road to bitumen standards has commenced.

This 48-km road project, commissioned by Transport Cabinet Secretary James Macharia, aims to improve connectivity between interior Ganze and the Kilifi County headquarters.

The project covers various sections, including loops and connections to essential institutions like Ganze Girls High School and Bahari Girls National School, benefiting Ganze and Kilifi North constituencies.

Ganze sub-county is considered one of the poorest communities in Kenya, primarily relying on subsistence farming. Women play a crucial role in the community, planting crops, fetching water, collecting firewood, and raising children.

Additionally, quarry work provides a source of income for many residents. However, persistent rainfall shortages have led to a heavy reliance on relief food in the region.

Despite these challenges, Ganze is gradually developing, attracting new communities, and witnessing positive changes in its socio-economic landscape.