• Joining  hands in uplifting these young souls and finding grounds for their growth is a stepping stone to a greater nation and bringing into account the untapped opportunities and potentials for these young generation, for their potential knows no bounds.
Street children and homeless children are living in cities, towns and villages all over the globe, regardless of the economic climate of the country.

Data approximated from the United Nations estimates that there are up to 150 million street children in the world. No one knows the exact number because they are often unknown to social care and government organisations.

Street children can have complex circumstances and are very vulnerable to exploitation and violence. It’s hard to reach them with vital services such as education and healthcare.

They often times miss out on their right to education because they are trying to support themselves or their families, so less formal approaches might be needed to try to get them into learning.

In the heart of our city, hidden beneath the shadows, lies a tale of courage and resilience. These street children, often overlooked, are the howling treasures feeding on trash.

Imagine, amidst the filth and despair, these children possess potential beyond measure. They are the future doctors, artists, and leaders our world desperately needs. Will their dreams ever come to flourish on empty stomachs?

Titus Omondi, a student at Kabarak University and a compassionate soul recently encountered several street children fighting a losing battle against hunger and the situation struck an urge for campaign on the welfare of the street children often ignored.

Denied the basic necessities of food, shelter, and proper clothing, their inspiring stories go unheard, buried beneath society's indifference, these street children go through much more that you cannot even fathom as a normal person living their full life dreams.

Like Titus , its high time society and every single individual together with the government  come together for a greater cause to help make a difference in the lives of these children by offering these essentials needs and components for the better involvement in their wellbeing:

1. Nourishing Meals: Support local organizations that provide nutritious meals to street children. Your contribution can fill their bellies, nourishing their bodies and minds, unlocking their hidden potential.

2. Safe Shelter: Advocate for improved access to safe shelters where these children can find solace from the dangerous streets. Let's give them a sanctuary, a place where dreams can take root.

3. Proper Clothing: Donate clothes and essentials to ensure these children have proper attire to protect them from the elements. A little warmth goes a long way in restoring their dignity.

  As Mahatma Gandhi once said ‘The true measure of any society can be found in how it treats its most vulnerable members’, the society should brace itself to help counter this menace of numerous vulnerable individuals by providing necessary assistance and proper support.

The invisible treasures, hidden in plain sight a befitting description for the street children we see around, for whom compassion can change everything about them should be a point of concern for all who care about the vulnerable people.

Joining hands in uplifting these young souls and finding grounds for their growth is a stepping stone to a greater nation and bringing into account the untapped opportunities and potentials for these young generation, for their potential knows no bounds.