• Kenyan churches have been accused of being the biggest opportunists, only creeping into the political scene when the berries are ripe.
  • In a time when the state of things has shoved the commoner against the wall, where is the church? 
  • Is the church scared to come out and holler at the same government it backed heedlessly?

Kenyan churches have been accused of being the biggest opportunists, only creeping into the political scene when the berries are ripe. With politicians dangling balls at the church left, right and centre, the church, once a beacon of moral standards, has turned into a forty-niner that exits the scene once the going gets tough.

Priests have unashamedly welcomed politicians into the Lord’s meadows and given them authority to sham His sheep in exchange for a few coins of silver.

In the 2022 general elections, politicians were quick to pursue the church’s backing, promising heaven and back, only to stain with blood, the drapes of the Shul. Was the church in it just for the money?

In a time when the state of things has shoved the commoner against the wall, where is the church? Has it been silenced by politicians who continue to use it as a platform to advance their political agendas? Is the church scared to come out and holler at the same government it backed heedlessly?

Given the tenacity churches have on public influence, why are they not using it to enlighten the masses on what the government is doing wrong? Has the church started treading softly, only coming out when the pinch hits them first-hand?

“I really expect pastors and bishops to call out and even say to politicians “no, you cannot say certain things in my church or in this house of God, but they are tolerating it.” Politician and Lawyer Dr Ekuru Aukot said at an interview panel on Citizen TV on May 30, 2024.

Since we have mixed politics and religion and tied it all together with money, the church will remain entangled in, and bound to silence as, unlike the government, the church has so much to lose.