• The influence of social media, magazines, and advertisements has created unrealistic beauty standards, fostering a culture of comparison and feelings of inadequacy.

Positive body image and self-esteem are crucial, especially for young people, in a world where external standards often define beauty.

The societal pressure to conform to particular looks has significantly impacted how we perceive ourselves and has taken a toll on our self-esteem.

The influence of social media, magazines, and advertisements has created unrealistic beauty standards, fostering a culture of comparison and feelings of inadequacy.

Recognising this issue and exploring ways to promote positive body image, self-esteem, and acceptance across all age groups is essential.

One of the critical approaches to fostering positive body image is empowering individuals to embrace diverse body types.

Encouraging advertising agents to feature a broader range of body types helps to create recognition and representation for all bodies.

By broadening the definition of beauty beyond physical appearance and acknowledging strengths, talents, and personalities, we can shift the focus from external validation to inner worth.

Promoting education and emphasising media literacy is crucial in combating the negative impact of societal norms.

By equipping individuals with the skills to critically analyse and challenge harmful stereotypes perpetuated by media, we encourage a more realistic and inclusive perception of beauty.

This empowers people to reject unrealistic standards and embrace their unique qualities.

Encouraging self-care and self-affirmations is vital for cultivating positive body image and self-esteem. By promoting the practice of positive self-talk, individuals can learn to embrace and appreciate their bodies and themselves as a whole.

We can foster resilience and healthy self-esteem by recognising that true beauty and worth extend beyond surface appearances.