- Sometimes, simply talking about the person we lost can ease the burden of grief. Journaling our thoughts and expressing our emotions through art and music can provide a therapeutic outlet.
No one ever talks about the grief and pain experienced during loss. The countless memories that play in your mind like a song on repeat, the struggle with believing it is true and the last moments that were in a way goodbye, but you never knew it was.
The pain can feel overwhelming, and the absence of their presence can leave a void that seems impossible to fill. However, while their physical presence may be gone, their love, lessons and memories dwell in us forever.
What is grief, then? It is a deeply personal experience that affects everyone differently. Some may feel numb, others may cry endlessly, and some may struggle to express their emotions at all. Psychologists often describe grief as having five stages—denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance—but these stages don’t follow a fixed order.
One always goes through them unknowingly, in waves and sometimes unexpectedly. Remember that grief isn’t something to “get over.” It’s something we learn to live with. The pain may never fully disappear, but we find ways to carry it differently over time.
Although we can’t bring our loved ones back, we can keep their memories alive in ways that bring comfort and meaning. Old photos, sharing stories, or even watching their favourite movie can help us feel connected to them. Others opt to plant a tree, light a candle on special days, or dedicate a project in their honour. Some had things they did or said they would do.
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Whether it’s continuing their charitable work, embracing their values or simply living in a way that would make them proud, we keep them alive through our actions.
You learn to live with the loss in a way that allows you to move on while still honouring your loved one’s memory. Seeking help from family, friends, or even professional counsellors can be incredibly helpful.
Sometimes, simply talking about the person we lost can ease the burden of grief. Journaling our thoughts and expressing our emotions through art and music can provide a therapeutic outlet.
The people we love never truly leave us. They live on in our hearts, the way we speak, the lessons they taught us, and the love they left behind. Though their physical presence is gone, their impact remains eternal.