- To honor the womb is to honor the divine feminine in you. And being a woman with divine femininity means caring for your womb, not only for reproduction purposes but also as a connection to feminine power.
A woman’s womb is a very important part of her body because it is most of our origin and as a woman it is important to honor it and take good care of it. But why is it important? The womb contributes to the general physical health and by caring for it, you also care for your hormonal balance and that reduces the risk of painful menstruation and conditions like uterus fibroids.
You don’t want to be suffering that is why this article provides guidelines on how you should honor your womb.
To honor the womb is to honor the divine feminine in you. Being a woman with divine femininity means caring for your womb not only for reproduction purposes but also as a connection to feminine power.
Many cultures and spiritual tradition view the womb as a source of creative and feminine energy and honoring it can help you reconnect with your inner strength and intuitive power.
Many may ask, “How do I honor my womb?" There are many answers to this question, but I want to bring your mind to these four seasons, which I compare to the four weather seasons. Here is how you go about the four seasons.
Bleeding [week 1]
This is how you honor your womb during this season.
First Spend time in your womb cave during this time, write, paint or even nap if needed.
Then, free bleed and have magnetism bath with candles to descend into your emotional waters and release what you want to let go.
Pre-ovulation [week 2]
You are done with your period this time and you want to connect with your visions and goals, try something new and wash your period blankets or undies to prepare for your next cycle. Revel your rising estrogen levels that will make you feel refreshed and buy or pick flowers from your home to honor your internal spring.
Ovulation [week 3]
This is the time you need to get social and play prioritizing pleasure and enjoyment. Flirt with life, exercise and use your fertile energy to launch your business or creative projects
Show your face to the world, throw a party if you need to, get romantic and get outside.
Pre-bleed [week 4]
Feel into what your body needs during this season, slow down if you need. Spend time barefoot in nature and say no to the rising progesterone it leads to fall In energy, but you can honor it by resting.
Prepare your womb cave and meals to freeze for when you are bleeding. Drink dandelion tea, womb massage with moon oil and Yoni steam.
This cycle repeats itself daily in a woman’s life therefore, it is essential to honor the time and care for our womb.