• Witnesses at the scene noted that the driver managed to escape through the windscreen.

An accident has occurred in Kiamunyi, Nakuru County, along the Kabarak-Nakuru highway, when a vehicle veered off the road in an attempt to avoid hitting a group of children.

Witnesses report that the driver, who was  en route from Kabarak towards Nakuru was forced to make a split-second decision when a matatu suddenly stopped in front of him, blocking his path.

According to the driver, who spoke to Nax today, the situation unfolded rapidly. “I was driving down from the Kabarak side when a matatu stopped in front of me. I had the option to overtake, but I couldn’t because schoolchildren were crossing the road. I didn’t realize there was a ditch where I was about to land,” he explained. This misjudgment led to the vehicle overturning on the roadside.

Witnesses at the scene noted that the driver managed to escape through the windscreen.

“He didn’t commit any fault; he acted in a way that prevented a more serious accident from occurring," remarked one bystander. "If he hadn’t swerved, he could have collided with the matatu and injured the children."

Agnes Otieno, a concerned parent from the area, emphasized the need for increased safety measures. “Children are taught how to cross the road, but they are still kids and can forget instructions. The government should take action to ensure this area, which has schools nearby, is safer,” she urged.

Otieno suggested the installation of speed bumps and clearer signage to alert drivers about the proximity of schools. “There’s only one bump here, and after that, it’s a steep decline. More bumps would help slow down traffic, especially where children frequently cross,” she added.

The administration of Great Rift School, located along the highway, reiterated the importance of road safety for their students. They have implemented measures to ensure teachers assist children in crossing the road during peak times. However, they stress that more marked zebra crossings are necessary to enhance safety.

“We involve our teachers in helping children cross safely every morning and evening, but we need the National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) to provide more crossings to guarantee their safety,” a school representative stated.

This incident is not an isolated case. The area has a troubling history of accidents, raising concerns among residents about road safety. Community members are calling for immediate action to address the dangers posed to schoolchildren and pedestrians.