• Barely a day after the press release by the working Inspector General (IG) banning the planned public demonstrations by Gen Zs in the Nairobi Central Business District (CBD) and its surroundings on July 18, 2024, The Law Society of Kenya (LSK) through the High Court of Kenya has issued an interim letter against the ban. 
  • Notably, the two are pulling in different directions on the matter. If this is the case, the question we ask is, when and how will we call off the current unrestful situation, considering that Gen Zs are still leaderless and not open to dialogue?

Barely a day after the press release by the working Inspector General (IG) banning the planned public demonstrations by Gen Zs in the Nairobi Central Business District (CBD) and its surroundings on July 18, 2024, The Law Society of Kenya (LSK) through the High Court of Kenya has issued an interim letter against the ban. The LSK President, Faith Adhiambo has termed the ban by the IG unlawful.

The acting IG anchored his decision on the following reasons: the Gen Zs do not have a designated leader to coordinate, collaborate, and cooperate with the police for peaceful demonstrations. In his letter, he mentioned that the lack of such designated leadership in previous demonstrations made it a hard nut to crack in enforcing safety protocols making it necessary for the ban.

Additionally, he spoke on the negative effects that the protests have caused such as looting, property damages, loss of lives, physical injuries to various individuals, and other economic effects.

In line with the two conflicting letters from the IG and the LSK, the public might be left in a dilemma regarding the prevailing crisis. It raises an alarming interest that Gen Zs and the public might take sides leading to a more stringent fight.

Conclusively, it is crystal clear, that there is an existence of divergent views between the LSK and the Police on demonstrations. Notably, the two are pulling in different directions on the matter. If this is the case, the question we ask is, when and how will we call off the current unrestful situation, considering that Gen Zs are still leaderless and not open to dialogue?