• It was not a casual visit as they filed a formal report demanding investigations into the rampant abductions believed to be conducted by blackguards in the police force.
  • Faith additionally substantiated that they had presented a list of abductees to the Directorate to fast-track the investigations. She promised to keep a close eye on the matter and urged the general public to report any recent developments on the same.

Following the youth-led protests recently experienced across the country, the public has witnessed several abductions. Most of which have left Kenyans questioning the integrity of the police force.

The Law Society of Kenya (LSK) President, Faith Adhiambo, accompanied by MPs Otiende Amollo of Rarieda, Mark Mwenje of Embakasi West, Amos Mwago of Starehe, Catherine Omayo of Busia, Wanami Wamboka of Bumula, and nominated Senator Catherine Mumma, made the acquaintance of Deputy Director John Onyango at Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) Headquarters on Kiambu Road.

It was not a casual visit as they filed a formal report demanding investigations into the rampant abductions believed to be conducted by blackguards in the police force.

“The council visited the DCI Headquarters at Kiambu Road for a meeting with the Deputy Director. We filed a formal report for investigations into the recent rampant abductions by unidentified persons believed to be a rogue faction of the police force,” she noted.

She also denounced the DCI’s sedate response to the situation, saying, “We emphasized our concerns over the draconian, unconstitutional tactics being deployed against Kenyan youth for exercising their democratic rights and raised our dissatisfaction with the apparent inaction by the Directorate.”

Faith additionally substantiated that they had presented a list of abductees to the Directorate to fast-track the investigations. She promised to keep a close eye on the matter and urged the general public to report any recent developments on the same.

“We supplied the DCI with a list of all abductees who are yet to be released whose information has been brought to the LSK. We intend to follow up on all outstanding cases and urge members of the public to raise alarm and bring to our attention any new cases of abductions that may arise,” she concluded.