•  "I hate foreigners and the government is doing nothing."
  • These were the sentiments of South African nationals revealed in an exposé by #BBCAfricaEye investigating the rise of xenophobia in South Africa and the violent targeting of migrants.

On September 18, 2023, a video of South Africans operating an organization dubbed Operation Dudula, founded by a lady by the name of Zandile Dabula to drive immigrants out of the country, was revealed by BBC.

"I hate foreigners, and the government is doing nothing."

These  were the sentiments of South African nationals revealed in an exposé by #BBCAfricaEye investigating the rise of xenophobia in South Africa and the violent targeting of migrants.

Operation Dudula  is said to be receiving  tip-offs about foreign nationals living in the social housing reserved for South African citizens.

They claim their hatred for foreigners is because their children have turned to zombies because of drugs and substance abuse, but the government is doing nothing about it in any way.

The majority of foreigners, they say, sell drugs to their children, and that has surged hatred.

Xenophobia is an aversion or hostility to, disdain for, or fear of foreigners, people from different cultures, or strangers and is seen as a reaction to the rise of globalization.

Netizens on the X App had this to say on the Xenophobia in South Africa:


South African Constitution empowers Citizens to Enforce the Law

under the clause of Citizen Arrest.


Nigeria gave the ANC money refuge, and some attended our universities... we almost came to war with the apartheid government of DKlerk. We spoke up for decades and did international boycotting...We wish them luck.


This is the tragedy of South Africa, the supposed rainbow nation.

The real heart of the issue is that the government, led by the ANC since the fall of apartheid, have refused to deliver development to the average South Africans. These South Africans are looking for anyone to blame. All these passionate hatreds are fueled by poverty and poverty.


To be honest, we love our fellow African brothers and sisters, and this is coming from a South African. What we have a problem with is our government and illegal undocumented citizens who make their way into the country illegally only to cause violence & havoc. Don't listen to the media.


Foreign criminals fuel the hate. You expect foreigners to respect the country's laws, not vandalize infrastructure, hijack and smuggle cars, and sell drugs. That's the issue.