• Heavy political weights characterized the 2022 elections, including the political rivalry between former President Uhuru Kenyatta and his then-Deputy President William Ruto. This led to a fierce campaign in which Uhuru Kenyatta tried to warn the people of Mt. Kenya against William Ruto, who at the time had been seen to have gained popularity among the Mt. Kenya people

Heavy political weights characterized the 2022 elections, including the political rivalry between former President Uhuru Kenyatta and his then-Deputy President William Ruto. This led to a fierce campaign in which Uhuru Kenyatta tried to warn the people of Mt. Kenya region against William Ruto, who at the time had been seen to have gained popularity among them.

The handshake between Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila Odinga on March 9, 2018, took a toll on the relationship between the President and his Deputy. The division gave birth to two different teams: the Tangatanga, which was led by the then Deputy president. It was a group that seemed to be defiant against the president. The other team, Kieleweke, supported the president.

As things trickled down, the political temperatures increased rapidly; the then deputy president seemed to have formed a team of loyal generals to deal with the president from his backyard. On the list was the then Member of Parliament for Mathira, Rigathi Gachagua and Kikuyu Member Of Parliament Kimani Ichung'wa. They were men on a motion to ensure the influence of Uhuru Kenyatta wasn’t felt anymore in the Mountain.

The president was on a mission to state his case to his people. He organized the famous Sagana meeting and invited members of the public. In Sagana 3, Uhuru Kenyatta stated that one of the reasons behind their rivalry with his deputy was corruption, and he later retaliated that the large amount of money stolen from public coffers was taken to churches.

“When you go to church, you take with you money that was supposed to take water to the people of Elgeyo Marakwet. Ksh 3 billion supposed to construct a dam so that children of the poor have access to clean water,” Uhuru said.

While addressing the residents of Bungoma on August 3, 2022, Uhuru Kenyatta warned the residents from electing an untrustworthy person and endorsed Raila Odinga as his preferred successor.

“People of Bungoma, you have played with fire, and you have suffered. Do you want to be saved or go back? The only way to get saved is through Raila Odinga,” Uhuru said.

Additionally, in Sagana 3, Uhuru seemed to be making clear his intentions and leaving the people of Mt. Kenya to decide on their own. In his speech on February 23, 2022, Uhuru criticized the hustler narrative, which his deputy used for campaigns and warned that if they didn't listen to him, they would remember him in the future.

“One day, you will come, and you will see where the truth is. I am not afraid of telling you this because it is the truth before God,” Uhuru said.

The former Deputy President, Rigathi Gachagua, was on record calling for reconciliation with Uhuru Kenyatta and calling him his brother. This might be a move that created a rift with his boss.

The impeachment of Rigathi Gachagua and what seems like brothers betraying their own has elicited different emotions and views from Kenyans. In what seems to be a fulfilment of his words, Uhuru Kenyatta's political shadow has been moving around and everywhere as Kenyans on X have been calling out for his interventions in the current predicament. A section of Kenyans on X expressed their opinions:


If former deputy President Rigathi Gachagua had listened to Uhuru Kenyatta he would be safe with no chest pains. He, however, chose President William Ruto, the liar, over his brother. Sad!


A leopard never changes its spots. Uhuru warned Kikuyus, and they never listened.

@muthoni_ njakwe

Mt. Kenya Kingpin. If Uhuru asks us to jump, we’ll simply ask, 'How high, Sir?'