•  Critics have accused the movement of seeking to undermine the government and is in a quest for a power-sharing deal with the government. 

The Member of Parliament for Gatundu South, Hon. Gabriel Kagombe, has expressed his belief that the current government does not require the assistance of the Azimio La Umoja movement to fulfil its mandate to the Kenyan people.

Kagombe contends that the government has the voter's mandate and is not beholden to the will of those who the voters rejected.

Kagombe made these comments on August 2, 2023, during the K24 NewDawn show. He pointed out that the Kenyans spoke through the ballot during the 2022 General Elections and are mandated by the constitution to do that after every 5 years.

“We spent 6 billion shillings of Kenyan money from the consolidated fund to run an election. The people spoke during last year’s elections and will still do so after five years,” he said.

 Kagombe emphasised that the government is committed to delivering its mandate to the people and urged the opposition to be patient and allow it to do its job.

Kagombe's comments come amid a growing debate over the role of the Azimio La Umoja movement in Kenyan politics.

The opposition leader Raila Odinga has been criticising the government as responsible for the high cost of living, accusing President Ruto of not leading the country as it should.

 However, some critics have accused the movement of seeking to undermine the government and is in a quest for a power-sharing deal with the government.