• Kenya has political schools with respective principals, who in turn constitute political apprentices who are key influences and determinants of the country's fate.
  • Eric Chamweni alluded to the state of affairs in the political arena, describing it as an entity held captive and is at the mercy of leaders’ destinies.

Kenya has political schools with respective principals, who in turn constitute political apprentices who are key influences and determinants of the country's fate.

Since independence, the country’s political space has assumed a common shape. Leaders formulate their political parties to propel them into power and form governments, but upon their retirement, the parties eventually lose command.

For instance, the first two presidents (the late Jomo Kenyatta and the late Daniel Moi) rose to power under KANU. The third president (the late Mwai Kibaki) ascended under PNU, and the immediate former president (Uhuru Kenyatta) also succeeded his predecessor under TNA and, later, the Jubilee Alliance. The current president, Dr William Ruto, also followed suit as he rose to authority under his UDA.

The Youth Development Officer, Uasin Gishu, Eric Chamweni, alluded to the state of affairs in the political arena, describing it as an entity held captive and is at the mercy of leaders’ destinies. He denounced these parties' driving powers, mentioning that they should be based on ideologies and a culture that unites the members even in the absence of their boss.

“Does it mean that every time, we have to look for new political parties to aid people get into power? Parties must be based on ideologies, for example the Democrats and the Republicans of USA, and the African National Congress (ANC) of South Africa. Even when the presidents from these parties retire, we are rest assured of the political parties’ futures,” he said.

Chamweni aligned his argument with the ODM party's current condition, hinting at a loss of faith in it. This comes amid the expected exit of its leader, Raila Odinga, who has his eye on the African Union (AU) Chairperson position following Moussa Faki’s impending retirement.