•  It's all in the boundaries you set. Setting boundaries helps one value one's own opinions, establish what they will accept from other people, and establish what people can expect from you. You'll know what to share with people and what not to share.

Sometimes, life forces you to learn lessons differently. One lesson many learn the hard way is setting boundaries. It often seems insignificant but you’d be shocked how this aspect is important in everyone's life. So, how about we talk about it?

According to the Oxford Dictionary, a boundary is a line which marks the limits of an area, basically a dividing line. And yes, as a form of self-care, you do need to draw those dividing lines in your life. In simpler words, showing people around you what is accessible in your life and what they cannot get access to.

Do you ever notice that sometimes you really sit on your own opinions or just accept anything that someone throws your way or even over share some things not forgetting those instances when you really cant say no to people.

Let me shock you a bit. Its all in the boundaries you set. Setting boundaries helps one to value their own opinions, it helps one establish what they will accept from other people, its also a way of establishing what people can expect from you and you'll know what to or not to share with people.

In layman's language, setting boundaries puts you and the people around you at peace with each other, like you won't just be getting into unnecessary fights.

That should be enough convincing. Now to the fun part! How do you set the boundaries?

One thing you should know, it requires a lot of soul searching. You need time to consider why your boundaries are important to you. It should be a valid reason.

After getting your reasons, start small. Set few boundaries, which will be comfortable and not strain you. I know it might be hard but I mean if its really supposed to be, you'll adjust to them quite fine. From there ensure that people around you know what you.